One of the most recognised floral scents in the world; lavender is a hardy, drought tolerant, perennial flowering shrub that comes in a multitude of species and named cultivars.
The flowers come in so many shades of purple, pink, mauve, blue, white and even two-tone blooms. The blooms can be picked and dried. The silvery foliage of lavender, make it a great contrast plant within the garden, making it an attractive plant even when not in flower.
Growing Tips:
‘French’ Lavandula dentata, ‘Allard’s’ Lavandula allardii, ‘Italian/Spanish’ Lavandula stoechas, ‘English’ Lavandula angustifolia (the true French), ‘Canary Island’ Lavandula canariensis, ‘Sidonie’, Lavandula canariensis x. There are many named cultivars of the species mentioned above.
Heat loves for your summer gardening:
Plants that originate from the Mediterranean region of the world are naturally acclimatised to hot dry weather.
Lavender is one of the most popular but there many other scented herbs that fall into this category too that will happily grow in the same position as lavender.
Santolina, curry bush, rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, lemon verbena, dogbane, wormwood and trees such as olive and bay leaf.
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