Our Blog | Rocky Point

On the menu this winter 2022!

Written by Rocky Point | Jun 21, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Winter is no time to settle down when it comes to growing produce.

Here are our top 3 picks for your winter garden menu!

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

Plant: Can be planted autumn through to early spring depending on location. Spinach generally does
better during the cooler months and doesn’t really thrive in the tropics.

Grow: Sow seeds or plant as seedling during autumn and winter for winter and spring harvests.

Cultural Tips: Spinach needs to be grown quickly and harvested quickly. Consistent watering and regular
applications of fertiliser. Suitable for pot culture.

Harvest: Leaves can be picked as early as 6 weeks after planting. Side picking of the outer leaves instead of harvesting the entire plants means you lengthen your harvesting time.

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)

Plant: Beetroot can be grown just about all year round, but in subtropical and tropical climates they perform their best when planted in autumn, winter, and early spring.

Grow: Plant directly inground as seed or as seedlings now for late winter and spring harvests. Seed sown directly grows stronger because there is no root disturbance from transplanting.

Cultural Tips: Choose a full sun location with free draining organic rich friable soil with a pH of 6.5-7.5. Garden lime may need to be added before planting. Check pH.

Suitable to be grown in pots

Harvest: Harvest your beetroots when around 10cm in diameter, any larger and they become tough and fibrous. Beetroot leaves are also edible.

Asian cabbages (Brassica species)

Plant: Bok Choi, Pak Choi, Wong Bok, Tatsoi and Choy sum.

Grow: Can be grown year-round but do best during the cooler months and spring. All can be grown from seed or planted as seedlings.

Cultural Tips: Choose a full sun location. Free draining soil with good levels of organic matter mixed through before planting. Suitable for pot culture

Harvest: You can pick outer leaves as they grow or wait until mature to harvest entire plant. If they happen to flower, these are edible, and the bees love them too.

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