Our Blog | Rocky Point

Pre-Spring Plans

Written by Rocky Point | Aug 21, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Before you being spring planting, it’s important to do some spring planning! Here are our top tips of things to get done in the garden before the new season gets here…

Sharpen the kit: Now is a great time to ensure your tools of the trade are well looked after and ready for a busy spring. Sharpen up and oil your axe and secateur blades, give the mower some maintenance and the garden shed could probably do with a good tidy up too? You know it could!

Prune Trees: Pruning is best done before any new growth starts, while the plant is still dormant as it makes it easier for the plant to recover. So now is the time to get out those freshly sharpened and clean snips and get to pruning back any of your trees you’ve been meaning to reshape or promote thicker growth.

Fertilise: As plants prepare to come out of their winter dormancy, they’ll be hungry! Consider a good all-round fertiliser around the garden using ActivGrow Fertiliser Pellets. Top dressing fruit trees with Cow Manure Plus will also help to give them a boost.

Make the beds: Now is a great time to give your empty garden beds a pre-spring boost by adding good amounts of ActivGrow Soil Improver and Blood & Bone Fertiliser Pellets. Dig deep into the existing soil, ready for your new spring plantings.

Tidy Tidy: Get on top of any sneaky little weeds that may be starting to pop their heads up in the garden as temperatures start to warm. These are easier to remove the younger they are. Once you’ve tidied, pop a layer of mulch down to stop any new ones from coming through.