Looking for some fabulous colour for your garden this summer?
Plants that will provide shade, scent, screening, groundcover, and flowering cover? Then look no further than these hardy popular flowering garden choices!
'Frangipani' Plumeria rubra, 'Evergreen frangipani' Plumeria obtusa, 'Everlasting love frangipani' Plumeria pudica, 'Crepe Myrtle' Lagerstroemia indica (varieties range in height from 1m to 10m). 'White Xmas Jacaranda' Jacaranda mimosaefolia cv. 'White Christmas'.
Bougainvillea, 'Chillean jasmine' Mandevillea cultivars, 'Star jasmine' Trachelospermum jasminiodes, 'Rangoon creeper' Combretum indica, Allamanda cathartica cultivars.
Clumping Plants:
Agapanthus cultivars, 'Society garlic' Tulbaghia violacea, 'Spider lily' Hymenocallis species, 'Ornamental Gingers' Alpinia and Hedychium species, Heliconia cultivars, 'Bird of Paradise' Strelitzea reginae.
Gardenia cultivars, Hibiscus cultivars, 'Desert star' Carissa grandiflora, Blue Plumbago auriculata, 'Chinese lantern' Abutilon cultivars, Ixora cultivars.
Vinca, zinnia, asters, dahlias, torenia, marigold, petunia, statice, amaranthus, dianthus, coleus, salvia, helichrysum, alyssum.
Planting Tips
Prepare your garden beds or planting locations with good quantities of Rocky Point ActivGrow Soil Improver, Cow Manure Plus and Garden Soil too if the soil is poor and low in organic matter. Dig these through the existing soil to at least a depth of the pot being planted and water in well.
- Once you have dug the holes, fill them up with water a few times and let drain to ensure the soil surrounding the plant root system will be moist.
- Position your plants in the holes and backfill with the garden soil compost mix, and water in well with liquid seaweed.
- Mulch on top with either Rocky Point Sugar Cane Mulch or the longer lasting mulches such as Tea Tree, Cypress or Pine Bark.
Extract from Better Earth Secrets Magazine (Summer 2020-21 Edition).
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